It all started at Kimberly’s birthday dinner in what is likely one of Quito’s finest eating establishments. Just Bennett and I shared a beautifully presented fish starter before tucking in to the rest of our delicious meal.

All was well the following day as we made our way from Quito to San Cristobal in Galapagos to board the Silver Origin - home for the next week. As Easter Sunday morning dawned, Bennett was vomiting not least on the beach where we’d gone for some snorkeling. He slept for much of the next 24 hours. After lunch on Easter Sunday, I came out in sympathy with Bennett. Feeling very queasy but that was not going to put me off joining a zodiac ride around Buccaneer Cove on Santiago Island. A mile or so out from the ship, queasy became spectacular vomiting over the side of the zodiac. Per protocol, the zodiac driver turned the boat around and sped back to the mother ship where a posse of staff, including the ship’s doctor were acting to take me to the “sick bay”. I was not in good shape by this time, so much so that the medic suspected I was having a stroke! Lying flat and a litre of rehydrating IV fluid later disproved that - just dehydration!

That’s the last time I share a fancy fish dish in a fancy restaurant with Bennett….🤣🤣