But unfortunately that wasn’t the end of it. Bennett by now just about fully recovered, I carried on regardless! This afternoon I joined a group hiking on volcanic Fernandina Island, home to thousands of salt-spitting sea iguanas. Regrettably though, I didn't see a single "salt spitter". My visit to Isla Fernandina is cut short when after adding the the landscape - down a crevice in lava rock - I was transported back to the ship (in a state of some confusion - apparently thinking I was in Deer Valley….⛷️ 😱). This time it took a double dose of I.V. rehydration to return me to the Galapagos!!

Sandra, Benjamin, Kimberly and Bennett continued the hike and are treated to the spectacle of hundreds of sea iguanas. Fascinating creatures which have learned to adapt to living in sea water by sneezing and spitting out salt they extract from the water