There’s a much spoken of human characteristic…..FOMO. “Fear Of Missing Out”. The term speaks for itself. But when it comes to snorkeling, I prefer the designation…..LOMO - “Love Of Missing Out”! No good explanation or justification, it just doesn’t appeal. And even less so when several zodiac loads of our fellow cruisers all headed for much the same area, known as Champion Islet, off Floreana Island. Fingers crossed, hopefully once in the briny, they’ll see more aquatic wildlife than human life!

Luckily, Benjamin and Bennett aren’t in the same LOMO camp and armed with an underwater Kodak I’m hopeful that they’ve captured some spectacular photos. I’ll need to keep my excitement in check for a while though…..until the roll of film is developed!

And so see, I’m sure I didn’t miss out after all…..